Bankruptcy Law

Bankruptcy, Criminal, Business > Bankruptcy Law (Page 2)

3 Things to Check Before You Contact Maryland Bankruptcy Lawyers

Bankruptcy is a big decision. Some people may want to pursue this path on their own, but wisdom says the opposite. Don’t go alone. Take a lawyer with you. Bankruptcy law is complicated. Even if you glide smoothly in the initial process, you may get stuck somewhere later or while handling your creditors. Bankruptcy features a lot of aspects to take care of. It may overwhelm you to no end. With the best Maryland bankruptcy lawyers by your side, you can sail in troubled waters without the fear of drowning. However, before you pick your phone to dial a number, check whether you have the...

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5 Costly Mistakes that Can Hurt Your Bankruptcy Case

Chapter 11 bankruptcy attorney MD, Chapter 11 attorney Maryland

People do get broke. They do make financial mistakes. There is always a way to correct them and start afresh. However, people usually make a few mistakes before filing for bankruptcy. If you intend to contact a personal bankruptcy attorney in Maryland, take a look at the following mistakes so that you avoid committing them.  1. Not mentioning a few ‘special’ creditors You may feel overwhelmed when burdened by debts. This gush of emotions may make you keep a few ‘special’ creditors in the hiding or you may miss them accidentally. The law mandates you to list all your creditors when you file for...

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Major Highlights of Reputable Maryland Bankruptcy Lawyers

Bankruptcy Lawyers

Irrespective of your business location, bankruptcy laws are considered to be highly complex and overwhelmingly intricate. In spite of the complexities, bankruptcy filing can provide a much needed respite from the prospects of foreclosure and property attachment. Choosing the bankruptcy option Personal and corporate bankruptcy laws can be different with respect to states but these are primarily aimed at securing the future of individuals and organizations with the help of feasible repayment options. Depending upon the type of bankruptcy, debts are usually wiped out either by disposing off the assets to settle overdue loans or by cancellation of debts. Leading Maryland bankruptcy lawyers offer valuable...

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Consult Bankruptcy Business Lawyers in Maryland Early To Protect Your Business

Bankruptcy Business Lawyers in Maryland

When you own a small business, your primary goal is to make sure your business thrives. However, if for some reason, your business is not doing as well as it should and you must file for small business bankruptcy MD, you would need a lawyer to help you do this. Why do you need bankruptcy business lawyers in Maryland? Bankruptcy can be a tiring experience and can drain you both physically and emotionally. At the same time, this process can be the only way to salvage the situation. Bankruptcy is designed in a way to assist you to wind up your enterprise...

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What Everyone Needs To Know About Hiring a Bankruptcy Attorney

Bankruptcy Attorney

If you are married and considering bankruptcy, there are a few things you must consider. Should you file separately or jointly? In the former case, only one of the spouse files for bankruptcy. A decision in this regard is vital because it will reflect how much of your debt is discharged and how much of your property is retained. Filing separately makes sense if one of you has the major portion of debt and you have not acquired valuable property after getting married. On the other hand, filing jointly is a better option if your state’s exemption laws have provisions to allow spouses to double...

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Bankruptcy Lawyers and Attorneys – How They Can Help When You Have Financial Problems

Bankruptcy Lawyers and Attorneys

How do you know when is the right time to consult a bankruptcy lawyer? You may be facing financial troubles and feel that bankruptcy filing is the best possible solution under the circumstances. But, filing it on your own may entail a lot of hard work and the chances of making mistakes are very high. Hiring a professional to do this for you can be a wise decision. You should look for experienced bankruptcy lawyers in Northern Virginia when you are a resident of this state. Without a reputed Northern Virginia bankruptcy lawyer to give you financial advice you may face many challenges...

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No-Asset Bankruptcy Cost: How Consumers Can Go For The Affordable Chapter 7 Option

No-Asset Bankruptcy Cost

For those in financial distress Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a wonderful option. It is a low cost answer for most people. According to a chapter 7 bankruptcy lawyer in Northern Virginia, “A Chapter 7 case can be considered a no-asset case. This is because it allows you to file for affordable bankruptcy to get out of debt while holding on to your property”. But can you do it without the assistance of a lawyer? Yes, you may, because the laws do not require you to hire a bankruptcy attorney. If your situation is a no asset case, then the entire task can be completed within...

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Top Bankruptcy Lawyers Can Provide the Best Possible Solution for Your Distressing Financial Condition

Top Bankruptcy Lawyers

The present global economic condition is pretty fragile and the consequences are being borne by a growing number of individuals and organizations as they struggle to meet their financial needs and obligations. The increase in the instances of people and companies filing for bankruptcy establishes the fact that the global economy is not in the pink of health. Filing for bankruptcy is certainly not an easy decision to make as there are a number of factors involved that can affect the present, future, and distant future of the affected organization or individual. Why Bankruptcy Can Be the Best Option For many people, bankruptcy...

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What To Consider When Choosing The Best Bankruptcy Lawyer in Northern Virginia

Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC

The chances of people ending up filing for bankruptcy are increasing because of the uncertain and highly fragile global economic environment. If you are a North Virginia resident, grappling with a financial situation that’s becoming increasingly difficult to manage with every passing day, you need the services of a competent and experienced bankruptcy lawyer Northern Virginia. It is very important that you understand the implications of dragging your financial crisis to the edge. There are people who believe that filing for bankruptcy is not such a good move as it can affect their reputation and ability to raise loans in the future....

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What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and What Are the Steps to File It in Maryland?

Chapter 13 bankruptcy Maryland, chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer MD

Unemployment, medical expenses, overextended credit, or marital problems, debt can get the best of us and when it does, many of us opt in to filing for bankruptcy. There are six types of bankruptcy chapters: 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 15. This article is all about Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Maryland. What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? There’s a simple answer to this question. You will either pay for your debt or give up your non-exempt properties to settle. It is the most common chapter of bankruptcy. An appointed trustee will collect non-exempt properties and sell them in order to pay the creditor....

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Making Bankruptcy Work….The Donald Trump Way

Making Bankruptcy Work

The campaign for the presidency of the USA generated a lot of heat and dust. One of the issues that was raised repeatedly is the many bankruptcies that now President Donald Trump has undergone. One of the questions that appears to amaze a lot of people is how he  is still a billionaire after having gone through four bankruptcies. The answer is quite simple. Donald Trump has NEVER declared bankruptcy. Astonished? Don’t be. The details are important. Donald Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy. Instead, the organizations of which he has been a part owner through his shareholding have declared bankruptcy under Chapter...

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Choosing Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 Vs. Chapter 11

criminal attorney Maryland, criminal attorney MD

Finding yourself in a situation that might force you into bankruptcy is a trying and difficult time. The process is complex, you have creditors clamoring for money, dunning phone calls, and it’s probable you’ll be served papers and required to go to court. This is something you absolutely, positively cannot handle by yourself. You need the skill and counseling of a crack bankruptcy attorney who can guide you through procedure, so that you’ll be able to retain as many of your assets as possible. And one of the first things you’ll want to discuss is which road to bankruptcy should you take. Once...

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How to Stop Your Home from Being Foreclosed In Maryland


While the rate of foreclosures on Maryland homes has been slowly declining in the last few years, the numbers are still staggering. On average, about 3,500 homes go into foreclosure proceedings each month. Statistically, that’s close to double the national rate. And if you’ve missed a couple of payments in a row, you could well be headed toward foreclosure of your home. So, what can you do to stave off foreclosure? A number of things. Don’t hide from your lender! Many people make the mistake of going on as if nothing has happened, perhaps hoping they’ll be able to “catch up”. They ignore late...

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