Sex Crime Charges Defense Lawyer

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Sex crimes are defined as crimes involving sexual assault or having a sexual motive, and they can include rape, statutory rape, child pornography, solicitation, sexting, and other sexual offenses. These crimes can be prosecuted on both the federal and the state levels, depending on the severity of the crime. Sex crime cases are often complicated and intricate, which is why it is important to consult with an attorney and to have legal representation throughout the whole case.

If you have more questions about sex crimes, contact The Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson by phone or fill out the consultation form.

Sex Crime Laws in Maryland

In Maryland, legal penalties for sex crimes vary on the basis of the severity of the crime committed. Some examples of sex crimes in Maryland are:

  • First Degree Sexual Offense: A sexual act committed by means of force or by threat of force
  • Second Degree Sexual Offense: Sexual acts committed by means or threat of force, and statutory rape
  • Third Degree Sexual Offense: Non-consensual sexual contact, often accompanied by threat of injury or kidnapping
  • Fourth Degree Sexual Offense: Unwanted and nonconsensual sexual contact
  • Solicitation of a Minor

The most stringent legal penalties are given for first degree sexual offenses. For one of these offenses, a perpetrator could be given a maximum sentence of life in prison. Many offenders are also given anything from 10 to 20 years of jail-time.

For second, third, and fourth degree sexual offenses, the legal penalties generally aren’t as severe as they are for a first degree sexual offense. For example, for a fourth degree sexual offense, generally the perpetrator is given one year of jail-time. Other consequences for a sex crime include mandatory sexual offender registration and a permanent record of a felony conviction.

To learn more about Maryland’s sex crime laws, contact us and we’ll be able to answer all your questions.

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Why you should choose The Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, for your Case

If you need an attorney to help you with your case, we are here for you. At The Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, we have years of experience working cases in the criminal law field, including sex crime cases. We’ll help answer any questions you have, and we’ll help you understand the legal implications of your case.

We are well-versed in sexual assault and sex crime laws, and they will be able to help you understand these laws. We are dedicated to upholding and meeting the legal rights of all of our clients, and we will provide effective legal representation for both misdemeanor and felony offenses. At The Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, we will work tirelessly for your defense.

If you have questions about a case or are looking for legal representation, contact us, and we’ll set up an appointment with you right away.

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