Bankruptcy Law

Understanding Chapter 7 Bankruptcy: Is It Right for You?

Facing financial hardship can be a daunting experience, leaving many to wonder about their options for relief. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, often referred to as “liquidation” or “straight” bankruptcy, offers a path to eliminate overwhelming debt. The Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC, focuses on guiding individuals through the complexities of bankruptcy, ensuring you make informed decisions about your financial future. What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a legal process designed to discharge most of your unsecured debts, such as credit card debt, medical bills, and personal loans. It's a viable option for individuals who find themselves unable to...

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The Path Through Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Reorganizing Your Debt with Dignity

In the journey toward financial stability, Chapter 13 bankruptcy stands out as a dignified route to reorganize debt and pave the way for a brighter future. The Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC, is committed to guiding individuals through the complexities of this process, ensuring a smooth transition to financial recovery. What is Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? Chapter 13 bankruptcy, often referred to as a wage earner's plan, allows individuals with regular income to develop a plan to repay all or part of their debts. Under this chapter, debtors propose a repayment plan to make installments to creditors over three to five...

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Chapter 11 Bankruptcy for Businesses: A Strategic Move for Financial Recovery

In the challenging landscape of business, facing financial distress can seem like a daunting hurdle. However, Chapter 11 bankruptcy emerges as a strategic solution for businesses aiming for a turnaround. The Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC, stands ready to guide businesses through this complex process, ensuring a structured approach to financial recovery. Understanding Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Chapter 11 bankruptcy, often referred to as reorganization bankruptcy, allows businesses to continue operations while restructuring their debts. This form of bankruptcy is designed to help businesses restructure their financial obligations, potentially reducing debt and renegotiating terms with creditors. It's a viable option for...

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Bankruptcy Attorney: Your Guide to a Fresh Financial Start

In the complex web of life's challenges, having a dedicated family law attorney by your side is not just an option but a necessity for safeguarding your family's future. The Law Office of Rowena N. Nelson, LLC, provides comprehensive family law services that cater to the unique needs of families in Largo, Upper Marlboro, Oxon Hills, Fort Washington, Clinton, and the surrounding Maryland communities. This post explores the critical role of family law attorneys in ensuring your family's well-being and legal security. Navigating Legal Challenges with Compassion and Competence Family law encompasses a broad spectrum of legal matters, from divorce and child...

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I Can’t Afford My Current Wage Garnishment

There are certain debts that can be trouble if they go unpaid, such as child support, alimony, back taxes, or student loans. In fact, failure to pay such debts could lead to wage garnishment, which allows a creditor to take a portion of your wages or retirement payments to cover the debt. Unpaid medical bills and credit card debt can also lead to wage garnishment. But what happens if you can’t afford the garnishment amount? Should I Try to Fight Garnishment? A good garnishment attorney can help you if a creditor is taking too much of your salary, leaving you unable to cover...

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I Am Facing Foreclosure—What Should I Do?

If you’ve fallen behind on your mortgage payments, the threat of foreclosure can be a terrifying thing that keeps you up at night worrying that you may lose the roof over your head. The thought of losing your home—in some cases a cherished family heirloom that has seen generations grow up inside its walls—can be especially devastating. There are options available to stop a foreclosure and talking to a foreclosure attorney to help you determine if you are able to save your home is a great first step. Banks May Help If You’re Behind Right now, many mortgage holders are willing to work...

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Bankruptcy Attorney Can Assist When No Other Option Makes Sense

There are times—especially now, as COVID-19 outbreaks and their variants continue to ravage the nation—that cause businesses to close, work to slow, cost of living prices to rise, and bills to pile up. Financial problems mount and become so bad is feels as if they might swallow you up. While many companies are doing their best to work with customers in order to help them stay above water, tanking financial stability can be a difficult situation from which to overcome. Contacting the right bankruptcy attorney, such as the lawyers at Rowena N. Nelson LLC, can help guide you through financial problems,...

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Get Legal Assistance to Overcome Debt

Maryland bankruptcy lawyers

Bankruptcy gets rid of financial distress when all other alternatives fail. You could well be in the same boat. If you want to make a new start, getting to know the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 is the best approach. Chapter 7 by far is the most popular because the process is quicker and cheaper. Yet, Chapter 13 can be a good option for you because it offers certain advantages that Chapter 7 does not, such as you can retain your house by preventing foreclosure. So if you are concerned about your house, go for Chapter 13. But you need to prove you...

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Frequently Asked Questions on Bankruptcy Chapters 7 and 13

chapter 13 bankruptcy in Maryland | chapter 7 bankruptcy in Maryland

Imagine you have a magic genie. You make a wish, “let all my debts vanish.” The genie obeys your command. You are debt-free! Well, life isn’t always a fairy tale. And when it isn’t, there are bankruptcy lawyers to help you come out of the debt trap. It is not easy to file for bankruptcy. At times, it may not be the best option. It is good to take legal advice before filing. There are chapters to choose from. A legal counsel can guide you in the choice of chapters and in every step of the filing procedure. With a...

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Good Bankruptcy Attorneys Are Hard To Find – Here’s How You Can Solve the Problem

best Northern Virginia bankruptcy attorneys

Filing for bankruptcy is an unpleasant experience for anyone, be it an individual or an institution. Many may try to delay taking a decision in this regard despite the existence of clear pointers that things are going downhill rapidly and they are simply delaying what is inevitable. Most businesses and individuals refuse to see bankruptcy as a corrective measure. It is a remedial step that must be taken to course-correct and negate the effects of some wrong financial decisions you might have taken in the recent past. Once you have accepted this and decided to file for bankruptcy, the next step...

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A Few Key Things To Expect From A Bankruptcy Lawyer

affordable bankruptcy lawyer in MD

Individuals burdened by debt find that filing for bankruptcy is a great solution to start life all over again. Most people experience a sigh of relief when their bankruptcy case is over. But you must also remember that those who underwent the entire process traversed a daunting route. “It was not cakewalk,” says a pharmacist. “I had to hire an affordable bankruptcy lawyer in MD. It was not easy to understand the facts of my case or to get any clue whether bankruptcy litigation was involved”. Hiring an attorney makes sense because you stand to get sound legal advice. The lawyer will tell you: • ...

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Your Bankruptcy Case And COVID-19 Virus

Bankruptcy Law

To prevent health risks arising from the spread of the coronavirus and to contain the spread of the infection, some public health guidance related to COVID-19 was issued by the Government of the United Statesof America. These guidelines have resulted in the restriction of operations of nearly every business and official activities across diverse sectors. The working of the state and federal courts have also been affected in many ways by the current situation.  The courts in every state are making modifications in the way they operate with the focus more on operating remotely as much as possible. Bankruptcy is one area of law that has been severely affected....

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Why You Need a Good Affordable Bankruptcy Attorney in Maryland for Bankruptcy Filing


Filing for bankruptcy may help you salvage the existing financial crisis you may be facing, but it is far from easy. When you feel that bankruptcy filing is the best possible solution under the circumstances, you can exercise the right to file it on your own. But this move may not be a wise one because bankruptcy has many facets to it and professional expertise may be worth paying for. This is why you need to look for an affordable bankruptcy lawyer MD, if you happen to be a Maryland resident. A good lawyer can advise you correctly on the chapter...

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