
High moral and ethics standards.

Money Could be What Stands Between Staying in a Bad Marriage and Divorce

Many people fail to get divorced due to financial reasons—in most cases, women who have stayed home to raise children rather than pursue a lucrative career. But there are times when a marriage must come to an end; if love is gone, if a spouse is too controlling, or if spouses grow in different directions and it is not best for either of them to stay in the marriage. But what does a wife do if she has no means to support herself and finds herself facing a marital split? She finds a good alimony attorney. While a household of two people...

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In Defense of a DUI—Mistake of Fact

Having a Driving Under the Influence (DUI) charge is always a harrowing experience, especially for those in certain occupations such as the medical field, but it can be especially distressing for someone who honestly did not believe he or she was intoxicated. Mistake of fact is a defense that makes the claim that the driver charged with a DUI had no reason to think that they were driving under the influence. That could mean underestimating the effects of cold medicine or believing that any intoxicating effects of a prescription medication had worn off before getting behind the wheel. Other DUI Defense Options If...

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I Was Ticketed with Reckless Driving—What Can I Do?

In Maryland, as in any state, reckless driving is no small charge, although charges that might fall under the category of reckless driving in other states is considered aggressive driving in the Old Line State. Reckless driving charges can be filed if a person is caught driving a motor vehicle with what is considered blatant or shameless disregard for the health and safety of other people or property, and the results can be costly. A driver convicted of reckless driving can be assessed six points on their driving record and fined up to $1,000. He or she will also be required...

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I Can’t Afford My Current Wage Garnishment

There are certain debts that can be trouble if they go unpaid, such as child support, alimony, back taxes, or student loans. In fact, failure to pay such debts could lead to wage garnishment, which allows a creditor to take a portion of your wages or retirement payments to cover the debt. Unpaid medical bills and credit card debt can also lead to wage garnishment. But what happens if you can’t afford the garnishment amount? Should I Try to Fight Garnishment? A good garnishment attorney can help you if a creditor is taking too much of your salary, leaving you unable to cover...

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I Am Not Receiving My Child Support—What can I do?

While both parents are expected to care for their children after a divorce, the parent with the larger income is expected to pay child support to ensure that food, housing, clothing, and medical expenses are covered. In the state of Maryland, child support decisions are determined based on child support guidelines. If you are the parent with physical custody and make less money than your former spouse or partner, a child support attorney is a vital tool to help ensure a better financial settlement. How Can a Child Support Attorney Help Me? While a child support attorney is not necessary—there are plenty of online...

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I Am Facing Foreclosure—What Should I Do?

If you’ve fallen behind on your mortgage payments, the threat of foreclosure can be a terrifying thing that keeps you up at night worrying that you may lose the roof over your head. The thought of losing your home—in some cases a cherished family heirloom that has seen generations grow up inside its walls—can be especially devastating. There are options available to stop a foreclosure and talking to a foreclosure attorney to help you determine if you are able to save your home is a great first step. Banks May Help If You’re Behind Right now, many mortgage holders are willing to work...

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How Can I Fight a Drug Possession Charge?

If you're charged with possession of drugs, either for personal use or with intent to sell, a drug crime attorney is the first person you should contact following an arrest. The risk factors can be huge, including suspension of a driver’s license, fines, or incarceration, which could make finding employment difficult in the future. An experienced attorney can explore the kinds of defenses that might apply in your case. Potential Defenses for Drug Possession There are several defenses a drug crime attorney can use that might work in your favor when defending a drug possession charge. Some of these defenses include: Questionable facts, testimony...

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How Can I Fight a Domestic Violence Charge?

According to statistics, every year there are 2 million injuries and 1,300 deaths that are the result of domestic violence. Many more cases are filed, but not all domestic violence claims are true. If you’ve been arrested based on false accusations of domestic violence, what can you do? Contacting a great domestic violence attorney is the most important first step to help establish a solid defense. Why Would Someone Lie About Domestic Violence? During contentious divorce proceedings, it is not uncommon for women to make false claims of domestic violence to bolster the assets to which she might be entitled, or to be...

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How Can I Ensure I Protect My Assets in the Event of a Divorce?

One of the most challenging parts of any divorce is the division of property, the negotiations for which often account for the bulk of the time it takes to settle the dissolution of a marriage. Who gets the vacation house? Who gets the primary residence? What happens to a hard-earned retirement fund? The more marital assets there are, the more complex the division of property will be. Having the right divorce attorney, one experienced in property division, can ensure an equitable division of possessions and assets, one that recognizes certain critical issues such as who has primary custody of children after the...

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Entertainment Law Litigation Is Complex

While entertainment is a creative field, at times things can get dirty. In some cases, creatives find themselves experiencing mental blocks and as deadlines loom, the intellectual property (IP) of one entertainer, whether it is a songwriter, an artist, or an author, can wind up being circulated as the IP of another. For example, in 1976, author Alex Haley released the pivotal epic Roots: The Saga of an American Family, which earned a Pulitzer Prize and led to a miniseries that kept rapt viewers watching as it dominated TV ratings. Haley marketed the book as a true story tracing his ancestry back...

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Entertainment Industry Contracts and Sky-High Salaries Require a Skilled Attorney

Because of the variety of different ways entertainment companies pay actors, contracts for entertainers can be complex works. Many of the biggest payments to television and film stars, for example, are on the back end, through residuals or royalties, and contracts need to stipulate the percentage an actor might be paid for shows that are airing in syndication or on a streaming service such as Netflix or Hulu. And when it comes to how much money can be made in royalties, it all comes down to the contract. TV Stars Can Make Bank, or Not, Depending on the Contract For example, the stars...

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Need a criminal law attorney? Yes, If You Have Been Accused of a Crime

There aren’t too many things more harrowing than being arrested for a crime but hiring an experienced criminal law attorney, no matter how serious the crime, can help lessen charges, negotiate a plea bargain, or get your charges dropped entirely. What you don’t want to do, no matter how secure you feel about your innocence, is to attempt to represent yourself in court. Attorneys are skilled in courtroom procedures and less likely to experience anxiety that can cause you to trip up over details that are critical to your defense. Attorneys also understand the nuances involved with interviewing witnesses, negotiating with prosecutors,...

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Commercial Lease Agreements Can Protect Your Business Security

For any business that requires the leasing of commercial space, the terms of that lease are critical to the future of business operations. Successfully negotiating those terms can ensure that you have a space in which you can happily operate for decades to come. Given the importance of a commercial lease agreement, it’s imperative to have an attorney skilled in such contracts, drafting or negotiating a document that provides the security your business needs going forward. That same attorney can also help effectively act on your behalf in case of a dispute. Provisions Protect a Landlord While a lease can be negotiated to provide...

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Child Custody Cases Can be Brutal

Child custody cases can be the most heated part of divorce proceedings, and are often combative, contentious battles, greatly impacting children in a negative manner. One of the worst public custody battles was between “Real Housewives of New York” star Bethenny Frankel and her ex-husband, Jason Hoppy. The two were married for three years, and had a daughter, Bryn. The 2013 split between the couple was drawn out for years because both Frankel and Hoppy filed for sole custody of Bryn. According to US Weekly, Frankel told Hoppy in court in 2014, “We are going to war.” And war it was. According to...

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Buy-Sell Agreements Effectively Plan for the Future

Business owners juggle many different job titles, but one unlikely occupation is fortune teller. That’s why buy-sell agreements are such invaluable documents for businesses that are owned by multiple parties or if a business owner has multiple heirs. Such agreements make provisions for when a business owner would like to retire or is no longer able to operate the business and determines how business assets and ownership of the business will be divided if a co-owner wants to leave the business or an owner should pass away or become disabled. Buy-sell agreements leave nothing to chance, ensuring that all parties, including descendants...

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