
High moral and ethics standards.

Making Bankruptcy Work….The Donald Trump Way

Making Bankruptcy Work

The campaign for the presidency of the USA generated a lot of heat and dust. One of the issues that was raised repeatedly is the many bankruptcies that now President Donald Trump has undergone. One of the questions that appears to amaze a lot of people is how he  is still a billionaire after having gone through four bankruptcies. The answer is quite simple. Donald Trump has NEVER declared bankruptcy. Astonished? Don’t be. The details are important. Donald Trump has never declared personal bankruptcy. Instead, the organizations of which he has been a part owner through his shareholding have declared bankruptcy under Chapter...

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Choosing Bankruptcy: Chapter 7 Vs. Chapter 11

criminal attorney Maryland, criminal attorney MD

Finding yourself in a situation that might force you into bankruptcy is a trying and difficult time. The process is complex, you have creditors clamoring for money, dunning phone calls, and it’s probable you’ll be served papers and required to go to court. This is something you absolutely, positively cannot handle by yourself. You need the skill and counseling of a crack bankruptcy attorney who can guide you through procedure, so that you’ll be able to retain as many of your assets as possible. And one of the first things you’ll want to discuss is which road to bankruptcy should you take. Once...

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How to Stop Your Home from Being Foreclosed In Maryland


While the rate of foreclosures on Maryland homes has been slowly declining in the last few years, the numbers are still staggering. On average, about 3,500 homes go into foreclosure proceedings each month. Statistically, that’s close to double the national rate. And if you’ve missed a couple of payments in a row, you could well be headed toward foreclosure of your home. So, what can you do to stave off foreclosure? A number of things. Don’t hide from your lender! Many people make the mistake of going on as if nothing has happened, perhaps hoping they’ll be able to “catch up”. They ignore late...

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Criminal Law – Know What Your Rights Are

Criminal Law

If you know you’re going to be arrested, what do you do? If you already are arrested, what do you do? What does the process of getting bail involve? And how can you be sure law enforcement isn’t trampling on your rights, as guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States? These are just a few of the questions a good criminal attorney can answer, and help you with. Criminal attorneys are there for one reason: to make sure you get the fairest shake possible, and that overzealous prosecutors and law officers don’t overstep their bounds. You need the best...

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What Can A Family Law Attorney Do For You?

Family Law Attorney

The field of family law is highly specialized. It may not only involve legal action, but also brings into the equation the very real human and emotional feelings that run rampant at such a time. The law can be complex, confusing, and downright impenetrable for those who don’t practice it for a living. The Family Court is no place for an amateur. You are going to need a skilled family law practitioner to guide and council you through the entire process, which in many instances can take months to get through. This is something you should never, ever attempt to...

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