Tips for Fathers to Get Full Child Custody in Maryland

As per survey records, just 17.5 per cent of fathers get custody of their children. It’s not that courts are biased in granting custody to them; there are reasons that make a court grant custody of a child to the mother.
However, if you are a father, this should not deter you from seeking full custody of your child. You must prove in the court that you will be a good father.
Here are a few tips that can help you prepare for getting full child custody in Maryland.
Stay away from substance abuse, domestic violence, and other such things
Do you think the court will grant you custody of your child if you are an alcoholic, do drugs, or indulge in violent or abusive behavior? Perhaps this might be the reason your partner is divorcing you.
You must think hard and face the truth. If this is the case, it would be better that the child stays with the mother.
Are you ready to take up the responsibilities?
It is easy to say, “I want full custody of my child.” But, a child comes with a set of responsibilities.
Ask yourself the following questions and answer them honestly:
- Are you in a job that requires you to travel a lot or stay up late in the office?
- Are you financially sound enough to raise a kid?
- Can you take up all the responsibilities of rearing a kid alone and juggle between home and work?
If there is even an iota of doubt, please drop the idea of full child custody.
Prepare to answer the judge’s questions
Yes, the judge will observe how sentimental you are towards your child, but he or she wants some practical answers.
In order to grant you child custody in Maryland, the judge may want to know about accommodation, facilities that you can provide to your child, her education, your finances, and other basic and practical needs of a child.
Besides, they would also observe how involved you are in your kid’s life.
- Do you know who her best friend is?
- Are you acquainted with your kid’s school mates and teachers?
- Do you interact with your kid’s school staff about her progress in studies?
- Do you spend quality time with your child?
- Do you help your child with her homework or take her out for leisure time?
- Are you aware of your child’s needs and desires?
You must know these things to prove that you are a good father who is involved in his child’s upbringing.
Do not miss child support payments
While petitioning for joint or full custody, continue to pay child support amounts. This will create a good track record for you in the court. Retain receipts, cancelled checks, or any other paperwork that proves you are supporting the child financially.
Behave in an amicable way whenever you meet your partner. Nobody would like to give a child to a person who blows off his lid every now and then or is too impatient to listen to others.
For more information and guidance, please contact child support law firm in MD. A child custody lawyer can help you.