7 Guidelines for Divorced Parents on Dealing with Their Children

Covid-19 has struck again; and this time it’s more ferocious. Couples who have divorced recently need to be extra careful, especially if you have a child in your custody. The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) and the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) have come up with a set of guidelines for divorced parents with children.
Here are the guidelines:
1. Health comes first
Abide by all the guidelines of CDC and your state with regard to Covid-19. Set a good example for your children. Make them aware of Corona virus. Teach them to wash hands frequently, practice social distancing, and wear the mask correctly. Be informed of authentic facts and not rumors regarding the pandemic situation. Having child custody in Maryland comes loaded with responsibility.
2. Stay calm
If you show anxiety during the pandemic, your children will absorb your vibes too. This would instill fear in them that might linger on for years together. Yes, the pandemic is a serious issue, but you need to show maturity and stay calm. Be positive and create a positive environment at home. This means no news on the TV all the time. Let your children ask questions about Covid-19. Give them the right answers as per their age.
3. Be a solution-finder, not a problem-creator
With restricted flights, possible lockdowns, and the constant surge in infection cases, you can expect things to change suddenly. If you have a positive mindset, you will want to find solutions for every problem and not find problems in everything. You may have to work extra hours, or you may be out of work. Be amicable with the visiting partner. If they cannot visit, ensure they can contact the child through video call or zoom meet.
4. Comply with custody agreements and court orders
Comply with court orders and your agreements to avoid unnecessary tiffs that can be stressful to everybody. And we don’t want more stress at present, right? The pandemic has already left us with panic and anxiety. Your children certainly don’t want to see fighting parents. Stay in touch with your divorce and custody lawyers.
5. Be honest
Be honest with the father or mother of your child regarding any suspected Coronavirus infection or symptom. Also, chart out a plan on how you will safeguard your child from the deadly virus. In this case, both of you should work together even if you dislike each other. This is for the sake of your child.
6. Show flexibility
These are not normal times. In some cases, it’s okay to bend the rules. For example, if your ex-spouse missed out in visiting your child once, don’t be harsh. Be flexible and let them meet the child even if it’s not visitation day. You can consult your divorce and custody lawyers for more information regarding this.
7. Be understanding
These are trying times. One parent may be jobless or earning less. The other might be earning well. The well-off parent can be a bit more understanding and generous financially. Although you are no longer married you must show teamwork. Time to come together one more time for your child and fight the adversity.